There is a great opportunity for people with language skills to help people in need during this time of crisis!
Role: Volunteer translators
Task: Translate important materials such as program fliers into other languages.
Skills needed: Ability to translate materials from English into one or more of the following languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole Frequency: Available to translate 1 or 2 items per month
Role: Multilingual Response team
Task: Respond to people who call in looking for support in a language other than English.
Skills needed: Solid conversational skills in one or more of the following languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole. Volunteers could be more comfortable in these languages, but would need to have enough English fluency to connect with resources that might only speak English.
Frequency: As needs emerge. Anticipate 1 or 2 needs per month, per volunteer. We hope to have more than 1 volunteer per language to facilitate prompt response and manage workload.
Additional notes: SCI has set up dedicated extensions for each of the languages mentioned above. When a message comes into one of these lines, we will have it forward to an email to those volunteering to respond to requests for help.
We also need people to record the initial voicemail greetings in the languages referenced above.